Getting Started with Mirth (Part 2)
This is the second post in a 2 part series. The first post is available here To continue with our Mirth messaging channel, lets first describe the setup of the web service which will be called by our Mirth channel. This is somewhat of a contrived example will little attention to coding standards, referential integrity or database normalization…but we wont let that stop us! Firstly, I’ve created a second database named demodetailsdb . Ideally these databases would be on disparate servers (otherwise there would be little need for such an elaborate messaging system) but for our purposes I will run both off the same ( localhost ) box. In the demodetailsdb I have created a single user_details table. Loading .... I have created a simple .NET Web Service to which we will pass the information gathered from the database in our previous post, perform some simple lookups in the user_details table based on the input data and return relevant information. The service contains one webmet...