
Showing posts from March, 2008

The Death of ITVN

A couple of months ago I posted ( ) about ITVN, a streaming media service providing access to a host of channels, my favorite being Setanta Sports. This service had provided very positive results until about 3 months ago when uptime and performance began to suffer, server downtime increases and, about two weeks ago, people - myself included - were double-charged for their monthly service. Forums were taken offline, phone numbers made inaccessible and emails (in my recent experience) ignored. Over the last few days ITVN has disappeared as a listed provider on Setanta's site, almost definitely signalling the end. Tonight, as I sat down to watch the Six Nations Rugby tournament, all servers were offline and Setanta inacessible. A little googling led to this page ( link ) where a user reported receiving an email from setanta (he provided a screenshot) with the following quote: "Dear Setanta SubscriberSetanta on ITVNWe are as...