
Showing posts from March, 2013

Review: Strata Conference New York + Hadoop World 2012: Complete Video Compilation

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this title from O’Reilly This set is without doubt my favorite set of O’Reilly videos to date. If you’ve read my earlier reviews you’ll know that I’m a big fan of O’Reilly’s videos and conferences. What differentiates this set is that combines the usual diversity of topics from a good tech conference with numerous deep dives - groups of videos with 4 or 5 titles in the set that dig deeper into a specific subject.  As with previous O'Reilly content that I have reviewed, the production quality of this set is amazing. Video is high definition, sound is crystal clear and, while not cheap, at a whopping 107 hours the set is very reasonably priced at $400. So far some of my favorite talks have been:   An Introduction to Hadoop – Mark Fei This talk demonstrates everything that is great about this conference and video set. In this 4 part introduction to Hadoop Mark Fei does a great job of introducing MapReduce, core Hadoop and hdfs and ...

Exception: Method 'MS.Internal.Interop.PROPVARIANT..

I’ve used NopCommerce for years and have had very few issues. For the last few days a project which had been working without issue broke down due to a runtime error on my development machine. The error was an unhandled ReflectionTypeLoadException exception but the LoadException properties showed something more obscure – the following error when attempting to load an assembly: [Exception: Method 'MS.Internal.Interop.PROPVARIANT..ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)' is security transparent, but is a member of a security critical type.] What threw me off the scent was the fact that I received the same error on my desktop PC and my recently formatted laptop environment. This led me to believe the issue was with the code but, having gone back through GIT and failing to build numerous commits previou...

Installing Couchbase on Windows 8

This weekend I played around with Couchbase’s caching infrastructure on my Windows 8 box. Getting things set up was a bit of a nightmare, but thanks to some perseverance and much Googling, I got things up and running. You’re likely to run into two issues post install: Post install: Navigating to localhost:8091 resulted in an error page Upon successful login: the Active Servers count is 0 and the Servers Down count is 1 The following guide should address both issues Installation Guide Install Couchbase as usual Fix IP Address issue . For some reason the registration process generated a strange IP address on my box. Looking at the registration script it became obvious that the IP was saved and subsequently read from an ipaddr.out file Copy the file C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\ipaddr.out to your desktop and replace the IP with Copy the modified version back to C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\ Replace tcmalloc binary (glad somebody smarter figured t...